Boston Bruins Boston Bruins

Jack Edwards: The Man, The Myth & The Legend


Jack Edwards poses with his puppy and the Stanley Cup. Mandatory Credit: Jack Edwards via his Twitter page (@RealJackEdwards).

He once glowingly asked everyone out there in TV land, “And who has more fun than us?”

Well, last night Boston Bruins play-by-play caller, Jack Edwards, showed everyone around the world that not many people have more fun at their job than him.

Allow me to fully explain. The B’s had been trailing the New York Rangers 3-0 to start the 3rd period last night at the Boston Garden, but as we all know by now the boys in black and gold had a furious comeback while scoring two goals late in the game to tie it at 3 a piece. The Garden was rocking and the game was headed to overtime.

The New England Sports Network (NESN) who covers all the Bruins action then cut to commercial and then when they came back we got one of the greatest moments in the history of sports announcing:

Now, I’m already a big Jack Edwards supporter so my opinion may be a little biased (like Jack’s), however I absolutely loved his reaction to Brad Marchand‘s game-tying goal. Does it make him a homer? Absolutely, but it also shows he’s a fan like the rest of us.

Many call Jack a homer because of his biased towards the B’s but I get it. The guy is paid by NESN to cover the Bruins and he happens to be a big fan, I guess that makes him a “homer”. I mean, it’s not like he’s working for the NHL Network or NBC Sports covering the NHL, he’s covering the B’s and plays to the hometown crowd because he is a part of the hometown crowd.

Sure at times he’s way out there and his partner Andy Brickley has to reel him back in or set him straight. But for the most part he is engaging and thoroughly entertaining.

With all that said, I’d just like to say that Jack can call B’s games for me as long as he wants. I love his enthusiasm, quirkiness and overall love for the sport of hockey. I’ll take him over Dale Arnold or Tom Caron anyday. Just keep talking Jack, and I’ll keep listening.

Not to mention Mr. Edwards is responsible for one of my favorite moments in the history of sports. Everyone remember this beauty of a tirade after the B’s eliminated the much-hated Montreal Canadiens from the 2011 Stanley Cup Playoffs?