"“To the forward who best excels in the defensive aspects of the game.”"
Number 37 Patrice Bergeron won the Selke Trophy a few nights ago. The accomplishment is well deserved and is the first time the trophy is in the hands of a Bruin since Steve Kasper in 1982. Bergeron is not a stranger to shiny hardware as of late; the past three years he’s won an olympic gold medal (2010) a Stanley Cup (2011) and now the Selke (2012). In his time in the NHL he has never been an all star but is a jack of all trades, excelling in every aspect of the game. He is a total hockey player. He’s our face off guy, we go him when were in a tight squeeze and need possession. He is a versatile player that also had 20 more hits than last year. This year he showed that one can come back with guns blazing after running into a slew of concussions early on. He is lucky he is still even playing. Bergeron is the glue that brings the team together. He wears the A on his jersey with pride and is a leader in the locker room. It’s not surprising to me that he won the most defensive forward award because there are things that you see during the game that don’t go into the record books. He is the type of player that will make the plays that stats don’t count for.
So today we say congratulations, and thank you for being awesome all the time.
Patrice has represented the Brew Crew well and he sill just 26 years old. He has time left on his contract and will continue to win face-offs and make diving poke checks on the back check.